10 Ways To Nail Your First Few Weeks Of Uni
~ School survival guide ~
Ah, those first few weeks of uni. What a time! Everything seems possible, but doing anything right feels impossible. It’s a whole lot of change to process in a very little amount of time. Before you know it, mid-sem assessments will come rolling into town like an unseasonal storm and you’ll be caught in a flurry of readings, coffee and nerves.
Unless that is, you happened to have a (not really) comprehensive guide to those first few weeks. Tips, tricks and tactics that can help you nail things; or at the very least, help you fake it until you make it.
#1 Takes Notes By Hand
A must. It’s tempting to show off that new Macbook (or Surface Pro if you get off being different), but don’t do it. Not only will it be too tempting to browse the web, you retain more if you write it down.
#2 Don’t Watch Your Lectures Online
By that token, GO TO YOUR LECTURE IN PERSON. Seriously – unless for extenuating circumstances that mean you can’t physically be in your lecture theatre. Attend, attend, attend. Not only is it better for first-years to meet people in lectures, it’s far more engaging academically.
#3 Don’t Hang Out With High School Friends
At least not at first. It’s overwhelmingly likely that there’s bound to be some people you know from high school at your uni. Do not go to them. Really give yourself a proper chance to meet people and then when you’re ready, you can reconnect with those high school buds.
#4 Join A Club Or Society As Quickly As Possible
It’s seriously necessary. A club or society membership is most students’ favourite part of uni. It provides opportunity for leadership and teamwork and at the same time let’s you explore new things that you never knew you could have liked.
#5 Don’t Drink Coffee Before 10AM and After 2PM
Trust me. Caffeine consumption can be a very slippery slope, especially with the stresses of uni. Without the fixed timetables of high school, it’s easy to go overboard from the H.M.A.S Sensible Caffeine Intake. So follow this rule and you should be fine (until exams lol).
#6 Find Out When Your Assessments Are Early
Then calendar them into your phone. That’s all.
#7 Go To Events, Even If They Look Cheesy
You would be honestly surprised by the things you end up liking at uni. Although I was kicked out of the Disney Appreciation Club because I praised Shrek too much at the first meet-up, I genuinely think it could have been a highlight of my uni experience. So go, in case you love it.
#8 Don’t Sleep With Your Housemates
This one’s a big no-no. You know what they say: the only thing better than a root in your bed is a roof over your head.
#9 Don’t You Dare Get Hooked On Mi-Goreng
I don’t care if you “totally know how to pimp up noodles man”, don’t become the walking meme that is a Mi-Goreng eater. Adding some back-of-the-fridge chopped-up spring onion to noodles does not make what you’re eating a healthy meal. It’s still Mi-Goreng, just with sad garnish. Do yourself a favour and learn how to cook.
#10 Don’t Get Involved In Student Politics (Yet)
University is and should be a time where a student learns to become an active political participant in a civil society. Student politics is an essential way to nurture that burgeoning aspect of your personality. Too often, students rush into political movements without fully taking stock of what they – instead of a party – think about today’s political issues.
University is about exploring new beliefs and challenging old ones, and if we allow ourselves to fall into echo chambers of opinion too early, we risk missing out on important opportunities to self-reflect.
(Lead image: House Bunny/Columbia Pictures)