
The Project Just Took On The Age’s Waleed Aly/Nazeem Hussain Screw-Up In The Best Possible Way

This will never not be funny.

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Yesterday morning, The Age were responsible for the facepalm of the year, announcing political commentator Waleed Aly — one of The Age‘s own columnists — as a new co-host of The Project… with a picture of comedian Nazeem Hussain instead.

Twitter and Facebook drowned themselves in sassy mirth at the expense of one of Australia’s most prominent papers, and The Guardian responded with a perfectly subtle dig: the editors dappled Amanda Meade’s weekly media wrap-up with photos of Aly captioned as other non-white Australian media types, including Indira Naidoo and Benjamin Law.

It was a hilarious joke that flew right over the head of The Age‘s News Director Mark Forbes.

And this evening the Project, who will be joined by Waleed Aly from January 26, opened the show with their own dig.

Aly and Hussain foreshadowed the gag on Twitter, sharing a photo of the two sitting at the Project newsdesk and looking definitely identical.

It’s almost exactly as our favourite video artist, Huw Parkinson, predicted with his latest seamless mash-up: