Pauline Hanson’s Latest Backflip Proves She Doesn’t Actually Care About “Battlers”
Way to betray your voter base.

Yesterday, we found out that One Nation is gearing up to support the Coalition government’s corporate tax cuts, delivering a massive financial windfall to Australian businesses.
It’s a bizarre move, given that Pauline Hanson’s entire platform is centred on supporting working class battlers, not the big businesses that routinely screw them over. One Nation justified the backflip by pointing to a deal they’ve struck, which will see the government fund 1,000 apprenticeships in private business.
“I’m for helping the kids,” Hanson told the ABC. “Getting them off welfare. Getting them off drugs. Getting them into jobs.”
One thousand jobs to be precise, which may or may not actually turn into long term contracts. Small fish in comparison to the hundreds of millions of dollars the government could take in if it actually forced companies to pay corporate tax, considering many of our biggest businesses currently pay… nothing. Imagine what those hundreds of millions of dollars could do for “the kids”.
In fact, Hanson’s backflip contradicts years of One Nation tax policy promises, which slammed corporate tax cuts in favour of supporting battlers.
Take a closer look though, and it becomes clear that Hanson and One Nation have only ever really supported battlers in a fairly superficial way. Hanson, for instance, has spent years earning a federal senator’s base salary of around $200,000, plus entitlements, while doing things like calling for people earning $22,000 annually to start repaying HECS debt.
— John Johnsonson (@JohnJohnsonson) March 22, 2018
BREAKING: Pauline Hanson and One Nation will support the Turnbull government’s unprecedented $65bn tax cuts to big business because she clearly prefers that to schools, hospitals, regional jobs and pensions.
This woman can’t even represent her base. What a fraud she is.#auspol
— Van Badham (@vanbadham) March 22, 2018
One Nation, zero backbone
— Josh Butler (@JoshButler) March 22, 2018
For a party that claims to be a voice for working class Australians, One Nation are pretty frequently failing to support their base. It’s a wonder people still vote for them. Maybe, come next election, they finally won’t.