An Aussie Uni Is Spending Millions To Figure Out How To Grow The Best Quality Marijuana
It's a 'joint' venture haha

In an Australian first, La Trobe University just announced it will host the country’s first Research Hub for Medicinal Agriculture, an institute that will research how best to grow medicinal marijuana.
The hub has come about through contributions from the federal government, industry partners and the university itself.
“This is about injecting knowledge at all parts of the supply chain from producers to manufacturers and exporters to ensure they have the tools to develop and expand their enterprises,” Education minister Simon Birmingham said, using a bunch of technical words to essentially just say that Australia’s gonna grow some really high quality kush.
In order to help cure Australia’s ills through weed, La Trobe University made a huge contribution towards the research hub.
“[The Hub will] provide a much-needed evidence base around the growth and use of medicinal plants such as cannabis,” said the university’s vice-chancellor, John Dewar.
Within five years, it’s estimated the research unit will increase the value of Australia’s marijuana industry by up to $10 billion.
Depending on which state you live in, marijuana can be available if you’re suffering from a chronic or terminal illness.
Earlier in the year, The Greens announced a policy that would make it legal for adults to buy and consume marijuana products recreationally.
So far the policy has failed to gain support from either major party, but it has put the issue on the Australian political map.
“The Greens see drug use as a health issue, not a criminal issue,” Greens leader Richard di Natale said at the time. “Our plan to create a legal market for cannabis production and sale will reduce the risks, bust the business model of criminal dealers and syndicates and protect young people from unfair criminal prosecutions.”
The Hub will be based on the La Trobe University campus in Melbourne.