
Jacinda Ardern Made A TikTok With Her Favourite Jacinda Ardern Impersonator And It’s High Art

Double Jacindas.

Jacinda Ardern meets her impersonator

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Melanie Bracewell, AKA @Meladoodle on TikTok, has spent the last few months transforming her Jacinda Ardern impersonation into high art.

Bracewell, a comedian and radio host, has Ardern’s entire deal down, from her polite, careful tones to the mannered way that she moves her hands and arms. It’s not enough that she looks like the New Zealand Prime Minister. It’s that she embodies her totally, in pretty much every imaginable way.

I mean, just check out this, Bracewell’s own take on the viral moment Ardern kept powering through an earthquake.

We’ve long known that Ardern herself is a fan of the impressions — a few months back, she commented on one of Bracewell’s videos, complementing her make-up abilities.

But now, Ardern has taken that admiration to the next level by actually appearing in one of the comedian’s viral TikToks.

In the clip, Bracewell — as Jacinda Ardern — says that she’s always happy to take selfies with fans, before stumbling into… Well, you can probably guess.

Just watch this work of art: