
Gretel Killeen Stars As The “Minister For Men” In This Totally On Point Takedown Of Tony Abbott

"She's been... at least in the vicinity of men."

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Oh man, it seems like Gretel Killeen is finally transcending her long-time role as Person I Vaguely Remember From Big Brother to become someone I can actually like.

In this new clip, which is incidentally co-written by Killeen, she stars as Australia’s new “Minister For Men”. Between her doing the world-renowned Year 7 hand gesture for sex, talking about her zero percent approval ratings and adding in a sneaky wink, it is just so many kinds of perfect.

The clip itself is produced in co-ordination with the Sydney Opera House’s upcoming event All About Women. A series of talks and panels about feminism in popular culture and everyday life, AAW is set to take place on Sunday, March 8 and features the likes of Roxane Gay, Gamergate’s Anita Sarkeesian, Helen Garner, Annabel Crabb and Germaine Greer.

Though the annual event is always useful as an excellent celebration of women’s talent and achievements, it’s also an important reminder that things aren’t as good as they could be. Case in point: Killeen’s portrayal of this “Minister For Men” is both hilariously absurd and exactly what’s happening in Canberra right now.

Read more about All About Women here and keep an eye on the Ideas At The House Facebook page. They’re hinting that there may be more of these clips put up throughout the week.