Fantasy Booklist: What Everyone In Game Of Thrones Is Reading

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Littlefinger: The Great Gatsby

With no money, title, or great House behind him, Littlefinger has had to work his way to the top through a mixture of charm and persuasion. Dale Carnegie’s self-help classic How to Win Friends and Influence People would undoubtedly be the most well-thumbed book in his library. But nestled alongside his calculating lust for power is a romantic streak, and he feels a great affinity with Jay Gatsby, a character who designed his entire life around bringing his one true love, Daisy Buchanan, into his arms. Of course Littlefinger’s true love, Catelyn Stark, is forever beyond his reach after being brutally slain at the infamous Red Wedding. But her daughter Sansa is the next best thing, and like Gatsby, Littlefinger will stop at nothing to get his gal.

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