
People Are Jumping Out Of Moving Cars Because Of A Drake Song

It's basically Tide Pods 2.0.


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Say what you will about Drake’s bloated new album Scorpion, but there’s no denying that it’s a commercial powerhouse, more or less breaking every US chart record to ever exist. It also might break people’s backs, arms and legs, since fans keep leaping out of cars for a dance challenge inspired by Scorpion highlight ‘In My Feelings’.

You’ve probably scrolled past the videos sometime in the last week: the chorus of ‘In My Feelings’ blasts through a car stereo, and passengers get out of the slow-moving vehicle and dance alongside it before hopping back in.

It’s known by many hashtags — there’s #InMyFeelings, #KekeChallenge (the girl Drake’s pining for in the song) and #DoTheShiggy, as it seems to have started when comedian Shiggy posted a video pulling out all his moves in public to the song. Then US footballer Odell Bechkam Jr. posted a version where he hops out of a stationary car — someone added motion into the mix, and now we’re here.

Here’s an example of when it works (it’s worth noting that the challenger, Dani Leigh, is a professional dancer):

Which is amazing, and Leigh makes it look easy. But, as millions of American teenagers are working out, it’s actually extremely hard — first up, the car has to be crawling along: no acceleration necessary, otherwise it’s pretty easy to hit the asphalt immediately.  It’s basically Tide Pods 2.0, as teens risk their bodies for a meme.

These cars, for example, are going way too fast:

And this car is too slow:

This car? This car is just right:

Judging by the charts, lots of the world is ride or die for Drake — at the risk of sounding like your overprotective dad, lets all agree to not do both for a meme.